The Digital Bibliography of Chinese Buddhism
A collection of bibliographic data on Chinese-language Buddhist publications from 1860 to 1949 Compiled and edited by Gregory Adam Scott 史瑞戈 編輯
Bibliographic Index 書目編號S2156
Title 刊名佛說觀無量壽佛經疏
Fo shuo guan wu liang shou Fo jing shu
Search title on WorldCat - MFQ Database
Subtitle/Additional Information
簡稱: 觀經四貼疏, 又稱: 觀無量壽佛經四帖疏
Fascicles 卷數4
Involved Persons
(唐) 善導, 撰
DDBC Person Authority Search person on DMCB - DDB (subscription required)
Published or Block Carved 出版或刻版[南京]: 金陵刻經處, 1894年[3月?] - [4月?]刻版.
Bibliographic Source(s)
Luo Cheng 羅琤, Jinling kejing chu yanjiu 金陵刻經處硏究 (A Study of the Jinling Scriptural Press) (Shanghai: Shanghai shehui kexue yuan, 2010) p.168

Yang Wenhui 楊文會, comp., Foxue shumu biao 佛學書目表 (Book Catalogue of Buddhist Studies) (Nanjing: Jinling kejing chu, [1902]). In Yang Wenhui, Yang Renshan quanji 楊仁山全集 (Hefei: Huangshan shushe, 2000) p.347

Record last generated on 2017-08-21

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Research for this project was supported by a C. Martin Wilbur Fellowship and a Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.
Programming and hosting assisstance provided by Shane Bennett.